MSC ® 90 90 mil. Crack Isolation and Sound Membrane • 90 mil. thickness (0.090 of 1”) • Crack Isolation to 3/8” • Moisture Vapor Barrier 5lb./1,000 sq.ft. (24 hr. CaCl test) • Limited Waterproofing Applications Packaging: 1 Roll per Box, 20 Boxes per Pallet Coverage: 100 sq.ft. per Roll * MSC ® 90 requires an ANSI A118.11 thinset. SIM ® 90 90 mil. Crack Isolation and Sound Membrane • 90 mil. thickness (0.090 of 1”) • Crack Isolation to 3/8” • Moisture Vapor Barrier 5lb./1,000sq.ft (24 hr. CaCl test) • Limited Waterproofing Applications Packaging: 1 Roll per Box, 20 Boxes per Pallet Coverage: 100 sq.ft. per Roll * SIM ® 90 requires an ANSI A118.11 thinset.
Sound Ratings (ASTM E90-02, E989-89, E492-90) • STC (Sound Transmission Class) 72*, 57** • IIC (Impact Insulation Class) 72*, 50** *Test conducted on 8” concrete slab with acoustic ceiling. **Test conducted on 8” concrete slab with no ceiling.
Item # MSC90
Sound Ratings (ASTM E90-02, E989-89, E492-90) • STC (Sound Transmission Class) 66*, 57** • IIC (Impact Insulation Class) 71*, 50** *Test conducted on 8” concrete slab with acoustic ceiling. **Test conducted on 8” concrete slab with no ceiling.
Item # SIM90
SUPER SIM ® 90 Premium 90 mil. Crack Isolation and Sound Membrane • 90 mil. thickness (0.090 of 1”) • Crack Isolation to 3/8” • Moisture Vapor Barrier 5lb./1,000sq.ft (24 hr. CaCl test) • Limited Waterproofing Applications Packaging: 1 Roll per Box, 20 Boxes per Pallet Coverage: 100 sq.ft. per Roll * SS 90 requires an ANSI A118.11 thinset. Sound Ratings
(ASTM E90-02, E989-89, E492-90) • STC (Sound Transmission Class) 52* • IIC (Impact Insulation Class) 50* *Test conducted on 6” concrete slab with no acoustic ceiling.
Item # SS90
Necessary Products PRIMERS
PROFLEX ® Peel & Stick membranes require priming before installation. See page 12-13 for primers. Visit www.proflex.us or call us at 877-577-6353 for more information.
Item # PR27
Item # SP1
Item # GP1
Item # PR11
Item # PR29NF
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